Got plenty of work, but cashflow seems harder than ever?

If you're always moving money around to pay bills, feeling stressed about cash, wondering why there's barely any leftover for you...

You don't need to book more jobs. You need a Cashflow Advantage... and I can help you find yours.


Got plenty of work, but cashflow seems harder than ever?

If you're always moving money around to pay bills, feeling stressed about cash, wondering why there's barely any leftover for you...

You don't need to book more jobs. You need a Cashflow Advantage... and I can help you find yours.

You learned it the hard way:
more jobs
more profit.

You’re busy with jobs and in demand.

That was supposed to be the dream.

So why does it feel like you’re going backwards instead?

More sales means more people to pay, jobs to juggle, staff to manage.

More headaches. More paperwork. More weight on your shoulders… without the rewards you were hoping for.

Throw in the fallout from 2020, rising inflation and costs on the rise — and it’s harder than ever to get on top of your cash and stay there as we head into 2023.

With talk of a recession on the horizon, it's normal to be feeling stressed.

At this point, tradies can go one of two ways:

#1. Decide it’s not worth it.

Scale things down and go back to simpler times (that maybe weren’t so simple after all).

#2. Muscle through it.

Keep working harder, pushing harder, keep your head down — til you hit a wall you can’t smash through this time (or your cashflow goes off a cliff).

If you don’t want to quit, but you know something’s gotta change…

There’s a third choice you can make:

Turn the momentum you’ve got into your biggest advantage — so you can finally get ahead financially and put your cashflow headaches to rest.

(If you know that you can't keep going the way you're going, and something's gotta change in 2023, this is one of the most powerful things you can do for your business.)


I’m Daniel Fitzpatrick- Business Coach & Founder of Next Level Tradie.

My specialty is helping tradies who are turning over $500K to $5 million annually become more profitable, smooth out cashflow - and build a business that doesn’t rely on you working harder year after year.

My real world business background includes:

  • 28+ years in business, running 3 successful companies
  • 12 years business coaching experience, with 10,000+ coaching hours
  • Privately advising over 350 trades-specific business owners in NZ

Having seen the inside of hundreds of trades businesses, I’ve noticed a trend...

Most tradies have at least an extra $50K in annual profit hiding in their business.

During your Cashflow Advantage Session, I’ll help you find yours.

We’ll pinpoint exactly what’s happening with your cashflow, what’s *really* causing the money to disappear each month, and how to fix the leaks without having to book more jobs just to fix your cashflow issues.

We’ll chat about:

Where you're at financially: what's working, what's not? Bring your latest Profit & Loss statement so we can really dig in. I’ll help you connect the dots and see how to get back in control of your cash.

Where's your profit hiding? Profit is the other side of your cashflow coin. We’ll look at how to uncover your hidden profit by smoothing out your cashflow, plugging up the leaks and making sure your money is where you need it to be each month. We’ll zoom out and look at your margins & pricing, staff, and where your biggest opportunities are to tame your costs.

How to make more $$$ but doing less, not more. More work won’t save you if your margins are getting eaten up in the backend. I’ll help you identify the top 1-3 adjustments you can make now to get in a strong financial position for the year ahead.

This 45-minute conversation can change the direction of your business in a big way.

Many tradies will take the insights and apply them on their own.

Others want some support along the way — and if that’s the case, we’ll discuss what working together could look like at the end of our call.

No pressure, no fluff. Get a fresh perspective on your business and personalised advice to help you fix what isn’t working, so you can get where you want to go.

The 45-minutes we spend together will be massively helpful for you if:

You want your cashflow to feel smoother, easier and more predictable.

You’re sick of robbing Peter to pay Paul, negotiating new payment terms and shuffling money to make it work each month. You want a financial machine that works (and gets you the profit you deserve).

You've got a good business - and you want to reap the rewards.

There’s lots going right in your business, but you can’t seem to figure out the financial side. It’s always a slog and no matter how much you sell, it never feels like enough.

Things just feel hard. And you're tired.

The past few years have taken their toll. You’re bending over backwards to look after your customers and your team. But you’re not sure how much longer you can keep going like this — and you don’t want to.

You want to stop doing all the things, and figure out the top 1-3 things that will really move the needle.

You want to feel focused and clear on what to do to get your business in the best shape possible and eliminate cashflow stress for good.

If you can relate to anything I’ve shared above, there’s a good chance our chat will be one of the best things you’ll do for your business all year.


  • Click on any time in the calendar below to book your 45-minute session with Daniel. Click the arrow to see times for next week if you need to.
  • We’ll do this strategy session online via Zoom private video chat. (Alternatively, we can do it by phone. You'll get a chance to request that when you make your booking.)
  • After you book, watch your email for step by step instructions on how to connect to the call when the day and time rolls around.
  • Click on any time in the calendar below to book your 45-minute session with Daniel. Click the arrow to see times for next week if you need to.
  • We’ll do this strategy session online via Zoom private video chat. (Alternatively, we can do it by phone. You'll get a chance to request that when you make your booking.)
  • After you book, watch your email for step by step instructions on how to connect to the call when the day and time rolls around.

What tradies are saying:

Barney & Wendy got thru a local recession in great shape (and are finally taking that 4-day workweek)

“In previous downturns, we’ve had to scale back and ride it out. But with Daniel’s help, this time was different.

While other trades here have had to lay 5-6 people off, and are really struggling, we’ve been able to keep all our staff and are still in great shape.

One of the biggest benefits is that we only work 4 days a week now, no weekends, and have holidays overseas. When we get back from holidays, it’s organised (we used to come back to chaos and stress).”

Barney & Wendy Beaven
B G Beaven Builders

Grant & Sally increased profits by a massive 186% in just 9 months – while reducing workload & worry.

“Daniel helped us put the right systems in place so the business could become less reliant on Grant, while also increasing profits without compromising on the quality of our service.

With Daniel’s continued support we were also able to increase our profit by a massive 186% in just nine months, and have over doubled our sales and staff at the same time. 

The different perspective and direction was invaluable and helped reduce inevitable tensions that can arise in a husband/wife team!!”

Grant & Sally Stewart
Stewart Contracting Canterbury (Landscaping)
